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Unimaginable Wellness For New Moms Who Are Founders, Entrepreneurs, Creators

Mar 5, 2024

It's starts with a vision and if yours lacks any of these criterium then it will be HARD to stay up as a chronically exhausted mom or leader of any sort! It's also important that you articulate your vision in a way that generates goosebumps, inspired actions, or plants an audacious visual in the mind of someone else....THIS transaction of language is what will mobilize your network. It's WAY easier if your vision is true to you. It's impossible if you don't buy-into a vision....this stuff is hard to fake people....hence I love serving mom entrepreneurs. We are not out here pretending to love our businesses....there's more than meets the eyes behind every single mom LLC....way more!

Any who, so excited to bring to the world my Fertile Imagination in Action Group Coaching program! SO SO SO thrilled because now what I learned from you (my podcast guests, every boss I've ever had, my angels, clients, mom, Abuela) I'm teaching to my fellow moms in business. Let's talk if you want to learn more this program.  My sons have spring break soon and that is why I will be taking only 4 mom visionary moms this round....will one be you?

Schedule a 15-minute chat to learn more about the program:

The Fertile Imagination in Action criteria for a vision that will lift you out of bed when you do not feel like it as a mom in business. You know my bestseller Fertile Imagination? Well, it's time to activate its key principles....this is 1/9th of what I'll be teaching....want to learn more?

Sign-up for a FREE 15-minute:
-How mind-blowing is your vision?
-Does your vision convey urgency?
-Would your vision help you bounce back up?
-Is your vision more powerful than your fears?
-Is your vision energizing?